Yesterday Chris and his children were in a car accident and luckily everyone is ok. It was a real wakeup call. We truly are so lucky and blessed. He rolled the car in thick fog and noone had any injuries at all. It is surely a miracle.
It really helps to talk about it. I guess that is an important part of dealing with trauma. Seeing the car upside down with stuff everywhere was such a shock. But they're ok. I'm not religious but at times like this I really think there must be someone who looks after us. thank you, thank you, thank you.
On a creative note, on Wednesday mum and I went to see War Horse at the theatre. The puppetry and puppeteers were amazing. The whole show was wonderful. The set was so simple and amazing. Mostly drawings computer projected onto an undulation of fabric across the back of the stage. I loved it.
I'm knitting again and it is my meditation. Greg says if I'm not knitting I'm asleep, how true!
Here is my neck warmer just finished using a 50:50 wool acrylic called Splendour. It is so soft and knitted up lovely. I did undo it 4 times to get it out of one ball. Pattern, yarn and needles were a lovely birthday present from Lesley last year. what a wonderful present.
When in Sydney I bought a passionfruit macaron kit from Andriano Zumbo at Star City. I made them up and they worked. woohoo! they were so delicious.
And finally, yes I am so very luckly. Here's my view from my breakfast area this morning. A beautiful crisp slightly foggy Autumn morning in Broke. We don't get any colour change sadly, but it is still beautiful. Yes I am very lucky indeed.
have fun Ann