Monday, 15 October 2012

Spring is in the air

I am a winter baby and have loved snuggling up this year with my crochet in front of the fire.  My dear friend Ruth made me a knitted hug which is also really wonderful for snuggling up in.    And here is Gwenhwy's birthday present. She loved them as much as I loved making them for her.

Also made were scarves for Toni, Ruth and Chris.

I am waffling but there are some beautiful crochet patterns out there this year and I just want to crochet all the time.  I have started making swatches inspired by colour postcards and pictures which is a great way to come up with a colour scheme.

I love making flowers and flowered motifs.  We made Narelda an amazing afghan for her 40th and it was just lovely.  Mine are the corner motifs with flowers.  what a lot of fun

Here's our very talented friend Narelda with her afghan present.  Also check out her roos on the sculptures by the sea in Sydney this year. 

happy creating and happy spring, what a wonderful time to be inspired by colour.

hugs Ann

Check out my new AVON eBrochure!

Check out my new AVON eBrochure!: Hi Everyone! Here's a sneak peak at some of the latest products available in my Avon eBrochure. Be sure to click on the link  I don't mail order but do hand deliver to friends and family.  Happy Christmas shopping from the comfort of your own home! hugs Ann